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Ahad, 5 Disember 2010

be it REAL man

assalamualaikum sume. ekekeke. WEEKEND bebeh. as usual. hanging out with my cousin and his friend. we called him Si Khai. hahahaha. the 'Si' word is quite familiar here in Brunei where people like to add the word 'si' in front of their name as noun. hahahaha. or maybe I can say that it adds effect to their name. or...maybe it completes their name pronouncation. or...bla..bla.. by the way, this week, we do it the different way. hanging out the BEACHES. yeah! i mean BEACHES n it means a lot of pantai bebeh n picture *wink2* (^_^)V
peace (^_^)
me n my cousin (Angah)

and...lupe dh nk cite ni. hahaha. sebenarnye sblum kiteorg gerak gi pantai2 ni la kn, de skit gotong royong skit kt opis. huhu. after several years of its operation, finally my BUSU decided to clean up the office totally. adess...thats alot of work even it is only a small office. cite byk tk gune la kn. lets the pic tells the stories.ekekeke..
there...there...tgk la kn sume. byk brg woo kne bwk klua. sume la kn sng cite. kosi2, meja2, kotak2, CD2 lme, makanan basi pun de gak la kn. wakakkakaka. pelik tk pelik la kn. sebbaik aku tk jumpe TOKKE yg aritu bejaye lepas dr tangan aku. cess.....klu tk, seyes aku bg dia mkn friskies tiap2 ari. wakakakkaka!

me mopping. ekeke
thats all folks...ekekekeke. hope u enjoy my celoteh here. huhu. need to improve my story telling skills. haha. n....haa.. i almost forgot! i got a pic of tokke! who wants to see it? please visit my Facebook page at: (if anyone wants to order some, i can get it for u for a LESS price)

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